Monday, September 21, 2015

Side yard rehab

First off, here's a picture of our house, since most of you haven't seen it.

The guy who used to own the house would fix up cars on the side of the house. When we bought it the side yard was a nasty section covered in old carpet remnants with weeds growing though the carpet, old screws, broken plastic, etc.  

You can kind of see it here. Kinda gross, right? 

This area of the yard has always been at the top of our priority list, but it always seemed like the cost to fix it put it just out of our reach.  Then one day this summer we heard about a place just down the road that had a good price on gravel. nevermind the fact that I was 5 and half months pregnant and Dan was just barely off of crutches from his hip surgery.  We're farleys, so we went for it! 

We took out all the carpet, tried to level all the ground, and added gravel. 

Here's the job with half the carpet removed.  

Doesn't this carpet look great?!  You wouldn't believe the large assortment of bugs, weeds, worms, slugs, and even a few snakes that we found living underneath it.  Fun, right?  

Here is the completed area of our yard!!  Disregard the few weeds that have popped up here and there.  

We love it!  Gabe particularly likes that he now has a million rocks to throw.  Many thanks to Jen and Travis for letting us borrow their truck, and especially to Travis for helping us haul and fill in the last half of the rocks when we realized that it's really not a good idea to install several cubric yards of rocks when one of you is just barely off of crutches and the other one is pregnant :) 

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