Monday, March 3, 2014

Walmart Table Before and After

I bought this table and chairs for $10 on KSL. All I had to do was sand down the top, paint it black and poly it with left overs from our crib

The chairs needed reupholstered pretty badly obviously. They're grey because I already had the fabric from a $1-a-yard sale at Walmart from a year before. And we did have to buy a staple gun at harbor freight, which Mikeal was happy about, for $6. It only took a couple of hours and most of it was spent waiting for the paint and poly to dry.

My favorite part was trying to hop into the driver's side window after I tied the stinkin thing to the top of the car...not so graceful of a maneuver when you're 8 months pregnant.

Total price: $16

Sold it for $100 within 24 hours. (I just found the exact same table and chairs at Walmart for $124...shh, don't tell)

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome I think you should do a whole post showing pics of your car all loaded up.
